US Politics in Trump era Public date: 02.10.2020 20:59:01

Publisher: Fox News


18 Apr 2020

Trump’s ‘liberate’ tweets supporting lockdown protesters spur social media frenzy

President Trump sparked uproar on Twitter Friday with a series of tweets encouraging followers to “liberate” amid a growing movement of protests across the country to demand governors reopen “nonessential businesses” and send people back to work.
President Trump sparked uproar on Twitter Friday with a series of tweets encouraging followers to “liberate” amid a...
5 Aug 2016

Hillary Clinton would hike taxes by $1.3 trillion

Right wing media criticizing the Hillary Clinton budget claiming that her policies on expanding government role in family leave and student loans would contribute significantly to the deficit. This report is a clear example of how media plants false hoods without any specifics.
Right wing media criticizing the Hillary Clinton budget claiming that her policies on expanding government role in...

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