Middle East Public date: 24.08.2017 23:12:18

Publisher: Aljazeera


28 Dec 2011

Iraq and UN agree on relocating Iran exiles

The United Nations and the Iraqi government have agreed to relocate several thousand Iranian exiles living in a camp in northeastern Iraq, potentially averting a showdown with its residents. The dissidents, who have not said whether they would agree to move, reported a rocket attack on the camp.
The United Nations and the Iraqi government have agreed to relocate several thousand Iranian exiles living in a camp in...



17 Jul 2011

If we retreat from Iraq, will Iran take over?

One of the most curious features of the Obama administration s foreign policy is the contrast between the silky, non-confrontational public diplomacy it employs when dealing with dictatorships and adversaries, such as Russia, China and Venezuela - and the brusqueness with which it often addresses U.S. clients and allies.
One of the most curious features of the Obama administration s foreign policy is the contrast between the silky,...

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